Token Staking
Token Staking
Lambo Staking offers $LAMBO holders the ability to earn more tokens by contributing their holdings to a 1-Month variable APY Staking Pool. Staking also demonstrates a strong holder user base, as new investors are able to view a certain % of supply is locked in the staking pools. Staking also helps support the growth of the $LAMBO token as it lowers the total price impact of wallets, and allows the community to be even further within the tokenβs ecosystem. β¨β¨
Lock Period: 30 Daysβ¨
Early Withdraw Fee: 15% (If withdrawn before the 30 day lock period)β¨β¨
Variable APY (Found through the dApp)β¨β¨
To participate and earn, follow these steps:
Connect your wallet to the Lambo Staking dApp
Contribute your $LAMBO tokens to the variable APY Staking Pool
After 30 days, claim your $LAMBO tokens earned through the dApp!
Staking dApp Link : Coming Soon!
Last updated